How to find your writing style

And stand out from the crowd.

„My writing is not unique.“

That was my biggest fear three months ago.

It almost kept me from starting at all.

But you know what sets the best creators apart?

They never let those doubts stop them.

I still have my doubts. A lot. But I know it's part of the process. And I need to keep going.

Ok, enough of the motivational fluff;

How do you actually find your writing style?

Most people overcomplicate this.

It‘s simple.

Write how you talk.

That’s it. (not quite but keep reading)

At least that‘s how you start. And it is and will forever be your foundation.

The benefits of it are obvious:

  • it‘s unique. (nobody talks exactly the way you do)

  • it’s authentic and easy to read

  • it‘s effective since you just write down your thoughts

  • it‘s evolving with your personal growth

But ofc, that‘s not where you stop.

How can you evolve your writing style?

There are unlimited ways.

For now, I‘ll just give you the way I used to improve my writing.

1. Emulate

Write down 5 writers/creators you enjoy and highlight your favorite attribute about them.

Here is my list:

  1. Dan Koe's precision

  2. Trung's sincerity

  3. Ali Abdaal’s positivity

  4. Fehzaan's structure

  5. Madz provocation

Try to add an attribute of this list to your writing every once in a while and keep coming back to this list. It will help you set a direction for your writing.

2. Experiment

Go literally crazy with this.

Try a bunch of things, go out of your comfort zone, and post what you wouldn‘t post (usually).

You will see some posts flop and some boom; write the outstanding posts down and brainstorm about what might have caused it. You can even reach out to your (online) friends and ask them what they think.

The most important part of this experimentation: you‘ll see what sticks with you and what doesn't.

Not every writing style is made for you (god bless!), but some are. You‘ll feel what you like and what not.

3. Endurance

Physically and mentally.

Never stop posting. Never stop experimenting, analyzing, and adjusting.

(I‘m not talking about rest; don‘t skip the breaks - but always come back to writing)

It‘s practice in itself and will lead you to success.

Problems you‘ll (probably) encounter on this way:

  1. Being influenced too much by other tweets, not sounding like yourself anymore.

    To avoid that, edit your posts the day after you first wrote them. Publish afterwards. This will help you find your inner voice.

    (You‘ll cringe a lot - that means it‘s not your true inner voice speaking in that tweet. That’s good! It brings you closer to your original writing.)

  2. English is not your native tongue.

    No worries. Most creators (me included) aren‘t native speakers.

    But I know it can be hard. How are you supposed to “write like you talk“ if you don’t know how you talk in English, right? - that was a big struggle of mine (it still is lol).

    To overcome that, try drowning yourself in the English language.

    Speak it out loud to yourself and hop on calls with other people.

    This will 100% help a bunch, promise.


How to find your writing style:

  1. write how you talk (foundation)

  2. implement your fav creator‘s best attributes

  3. experiment like crazy

  4. improve over time

  5. overcome beginner‘s struggles

It‘s a long process. So don‘t stress yourself too much. Every writer goes through that phase.

lots of love
